第144章 :变心(2/4)

omething more about you."

:" hat do you ant to kno? sk me."

:" nything. ike, hy do you anna take me out for movie and dinner."

:" think you are interesting and ant to hang out ith you and try to figure out ho you are."

:" air enough. hat's interesting about me?"

:" ust the vibe, you kno? it's really hard to say, but feel like ant to kno you, not just suerficially, but deely. feel like e have some kind of connection from the beginning. am not sure though, hen e first met, but today hen e met in the cafeteria again, kne can't ait. need to take you out and get to kno you."

:" s this some kind of lame ick u line you ick u from others?"

:" o. mean it. very sentence. o you believe me?"


:" ell.. kay, can you tell me hich market are e going?"

:" hey have a festival today in donton around , maybe e could check it out." 他知道我故意转移了话题却也不在意,很自
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